But! I did get a cool new yarn toy for my birthday. Kevin got me the ball winder from knit picks (after I've been whining about wanting one for about 2 years now). I just caked my first yarn, some Madeline Tosh sock yarn in Malachite.
I am so in love with this color and I fully plan on knitting something for myself with it once I finish Manda's sock. I'm thinking maybe some glittens or a shawlette? The ball winder is super neat and I love being able to make neat little yarn cakes now. Also, this picture was taken with my new 50mm lens that Kevin also got me for my birthday. This lens has a learning curve to it so my pictures might be a little fuzzy with it for awhile but practice makes perfect.
Back to Manda's sock. I haven't had much knitting mojo since I finished most of the other presents before Christmas. On December 5th Kevin and I found out that we are expecting a baby in August so I've spent a good chunk of December and January feeling tired and sick and without any motivation to knit whatsoever. I'm starting to feel much better now in the past couple of weeks so I'm thinking I can get my knitting mojo back soon. I really need to finish up those socks so I can move on to BABBY KNITS! Squee! I've already got some darling rainbow yarn that's been earmarked for a baby knit.
So that's what's going on in my neck of the woods. I plan on being more active now that my energy is coming back.